Nov 20, 2012

From Humble Beginnings

It has been quite a journey – three years from concept to harvest but we made it.   

The Community Garden really took root when a site was agreed upon with the Town of Coaldale within the existing parks network.  Located within Millennium Park - west of the Coaldale Health Unit, the site was uneven and a major collection point for storm water drainage basins.  Unsuitable for anything but landscape materials – it was a perfect match for the garden as it offered easy access, some irrigation and lots of land.

The Coaldale Community Garden Society was great to have partners such as our local Communities in Bloom Committee who provided much of the pre-planning and a generous donation of ‘seed’ money to establish a Society and to serve as a matching fund for development grants.

Committee & Council Members at Open House

An open house was held in April of 2011.  It provided feedback and a list of potential gardeners.

Their members helped weed the Rotary Park and received a donation 
towards the garden start-up for their efforts.

CIB Judges Tour 2011

The Community Garden was on the 2011 Communities in Bloom Judging Tour.  In addition to winning our population category, the Community Garden received a special recognition Award.  

Ground breaking began in the fall of 2011 to pre-strip off the turf to make way for raised beds.  It was evident quickly that the soil was of poor quality combined with fill materials and lots of weeds.  Here we are in April for the last push to meet the demands for plots.  We were fortunate to have the assistance of the Lethbridge Correctional Centre to dig trenches and to move the waste material for transport to Town Yard for Composting.

Healthy Soils and Eljay Irrigation provided the necessary parts and talents to make adjustments to the sprinkler system.

The Town Staff pitched in with their heavy duty rototiller unit.  To stir up the bottom layer to create a medium for roots to grow into.

The gardeners joined on Earth Day to start on framing the plots.


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