Nov 20, 2012

ATCO's Day of Sharing to the Rescue

I don't know how long it would have taken our few volunteers to get the site ready to plant.  We were very fortunate to have the tremendous crew at ATCO Gas adopt our project as part of the 100th Anniversary Days of Sharing program.

They brought their entire staff and equipment.  And before long, we had finished framing the beds and moved over 60 yards of soil .  Thank goodness for such a beautiful day to work.

The garden was transformed from this:

Community Garden - March 2012

Coaldale Community Garden - Earth Day Work Bee, April 2012

Framing is well under way thanks to so many helping hands in anticipation of the top soil arrival.

Construction underway to keep ahead of the bobcat and wheelbarrows full of topsoil.

Filling the 5x10 plots.

First layer of mulch being spread between the plots to help suppress weeds and keep paths clean.

We were delighted to have Mike Shaw join Mayor Craig with the official ribbon cutting on July 6th.  He got to see the results of all their hard work.

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